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Building Mobile Cordova Apps with Web Starter Kit

If you have no idea what Web Starter Kit is, the simple overview is that it’s a set of opinionated tools that can help you get up and running with web development best practices for a new project. Including a build process, browser sync, live reloading and all sorts of other goodies.

I won’t cover all the features of Web Starter Kit here, but check out the Web Starter Kit site for more info.

Cordova Set-Up & Install

Cordova set-up is nice and simple.

Start by installing the cordova-cli:

npm install -g cordova

Create a brand spanking new project with the command:

cordova create <Project Directory Name> <Package Name> <Project Name>


cordova create my-project com.gauntface.myproject.cordova "My Project"

Then add your platforms of choice (in this case Android).

cd my-project
cordova platform add android

Our project directory will now look like this.

Directory Structure of a New Cordova Project

Your Cordova project is ready to go, congrats :)

If you want, you can run an emulator with the following command:

cordova emulate android

Or run on a real device with:

cordova run android

Cordova App on a Nexus 5

Grab Web Starter Kit

To add Web Starter Kit (WSK) into our Cordova app, we need to grab a version of it.

You can grab a copy of Web Starter Kit from here:

This will give you a download button to get a zip of all the files you need.

Extract the zip and copy the resulting folder into the root of your Cordova Project.

Cordova Project Structure with Web Start Kit

Obviously you can leave the filename as is, but I’m going to rename it to plain old web-starter-kit.

We now have hooks, platforms, plugins, www & web-starter-kit directories in our project.

Building Web Starter Kit

There are a few commands you need to run before Web Starter Kit is good to go.

First install the dependencies from NPM.

cd web-starter-kit
npm install

You can check everything is working by starting up the server for Web Starter Kit.

gulp serve

Let’s Make Cordova and Web Starter Kit Play Nice

The flow we want here is:

This can all be achieved with the magic of Cordvoa Hooks - Oh yes my friends.

Cordova Hooks

Create a directory named before_prepare in the hooks directory. This is a directory Cordova knows to check for script files and run them before packaging up the native apps.

cd ../hooks/
mkdir before_prepare

Next up, create a file in the before_prepare directory named and add the following to the file.


echo "Building Web Starter Kit Project.";
cd ./web-starter-kit/;

cd ../;

echo "Deleting files in ./www";
rm -rf ./www/*;

echo "Copying files from ./web-starter-kit/dist to ./www";
cp -r ./web-starter-kit/dist/* ./www/;

Next we need to make sure that the script is executable.

chmod +x ./before_prepare/

Then check it runs and doesn’t throw any errors:


From now on, whenever you run your project on a device or emulator, this script will execute, ensuring you have the newest version of your app built.

One last thing to check so we know we’re all good.

cordova run android

Web Starter Kit on Nexus 5 via a Cordova App


Cordova’s tools will actually add cordova.js to the projects www directory when building the app, so when you want to use any of Cordova’s features, you just need to reference the cordova.js script in the head of your html page.

<script src="/cordova.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

C’est fini.

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